Intellectually, I’ve known forever that certain foods are “good for you” and others are “bad for you.” But that didn’t stop me from making a lot of poor choices over the years. Sometimes it takes a serious illness for you or a loved one to wake you up. Then you realize food really is a life or death matter.

In my research to deal with my own health challenges, I discovered Dr. Michael Greger and his website:   A few years ago he posted a long lecture he gave on the top killer diseases and how a plant based diet can help prevent, treat, or even reverse them. Impressive and thought-provoking.

Here is the list of diseases killing Americans (and those who eat like Americans):  

Coronary artery disease (heart disease)


COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, such as emphysema)


 Alzheimer’s disease

Type 2 diabetes

Kidney failure

Respiratory infections

Blood infections

Liver failure

High blood pressure


Parkinson’s disease

Even suicide can be impacted by a plant-based diet. Dr. Greger says those who eat healthy have less depression, anxiety and stress. I recall hearing about a British study that found the more fruit people ate, the happier they were.

If you’re like me, all this may just stress you out. I’ve made great progress with my health and diet but have not given up meat. After hearing what Dr. Greger had to say, and doing further research, I thought it would be easier to cut it out. Nope. Guess what? Now I had more stress. Yikes.

Fortunately, he tells us, Any movement along the spectrum towards healthier eating can accrue significant benefits.”

Don’t get your knickers in a twist. Start where you are and take steps to improve. Baby steps if need be. For example, I decided to buy only organic meats and wild caught fish. Then I decided beef was the biggest offender, so I only have it on rare occasions. In smaller portions. Once a day. Then I tried skipping some days. Baby steps.

So next time you ask yourself, “What’s for breakfast, lunch, or dinner?” remember Food is a Matter of Life or Death. Choose Life. One Meal at a Time.